Oh, God.. how can tomorrow be a really great day~
after what I've told to you about what happened to me in the morning-yeah about that story and my new friend in ffn- I still luck until almost the end of the day. YEAA IT'S TRUE!
you know someone I often talking about in this 'ngaco' blog, yeah it's still about him. it happened on my fb account that I have owned since some months ago, we have been became friend, but our friendship have no increasement. while in fact, I always wish for that TwT
the only one social contact I have ever been do with him is just my writting in his wall for his birthday, and poorly, it got no respons from him haha..
a few days ago I write on my status like this: "Oh, why you never beginning something?"
and my pray just paid by God about 6 hours ago \~,~/
he begun a chat to me, AAAA!!!
although its just a short chat, and just talking about a 'gaje' topic, I enaugh happy..
Thanks God for make my pray come true :)
I love you ALL~

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