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Monday, December 26, 2011
Fly With Me - Kari Kimmel
There is magic everywhere
In the air you breathe
It's true for every living thing
Why flowers bloom and all birds sing
It's in the voice that guides you on
The light that leads you home
It's in the moment your wings grow
And you'll let go
When you fly with me
Let your heart believe
Dreams can take you anywhere
If you just set them free
When you're true to who you are
You will always find your star
All the wonders you will see
When you fly with me
Paint a rainbow in the sky
Dance on every cloud
The world below is beautiful
Keep it like a precious jewel
Put a smile upon the sun
it shines for everyone
Sing the moon a lullabye every night
When you fly with me
Let your heart believe
Dreams can take you anywhere
If you just set them free
When you're true to who you are
You will always find your star
All the wonders you will see
When you fly with me
You'll find your place
Just take a leap of faith
When you fly with me
Let your heart believe
Dreams can take you anywhere
If you just set them free
When you're true to who you are
You will always find your star
All the wonders you will see
When you fly with me
Wonders will never cease when you fly with me
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