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*16year//dreamer//lover//looking for NaoyaXD//unfamous artist//silent social activist//Otaku//Self Writer//undetected fashion designer//a-will-be-history//glad of life//struggling for dream*

I am proud to be different! yeahh XD 
I just an ordinary human that admire something people called as beauty. I'm a fashion designer and proffesional writer wannabe, hoho~ And of course a lover of Pure Indonesian, Japanese and European Culture. I'm an otaku, and a poor collector of manga merchandises. I have a dream to become a fashion designer someday after had an opportunity to studying about it in one famous university in Paris. Then, I want to be a famous writer who could bring inspiration to others by her masterpieces. After that, I want to become a social activist and then build and lead a charity that work in the case of combating discrimination and character assassination in the world of education. Because I have a bad experience with that. And about my life's love, I want to find my Naoya, create our love story, wasting the time together, share everything in our live, and live hapily ever after. after all, my final destination is to becoming someone who give big contributions for this world to be better and then remembered as a history. I love Allah, my family, friends, my dear Naoya, and of course TJOEPLOEK..

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